Services and Discounts


  • Member Only Facebook Group - follow all things IWMBA and ask anything to a group of local multiple families. Also used by members to buy/sell/swap
  • Regular newsletter - sent quarterly 
  • IWMBA neighbourhoods - connect with families with kids of all ages within your area of the Inner West
  • Equipment Hire - such as feeding pillows and twin carriers. Low cost for members.
  • Premmie clothing hire (free for members) 
  • NICU support contacts - shared experience of those who have been in the same situation
  • Special support for Higher Order Multiples (triplets and more)


IWMBA members can access full list of benefits and discount codes here.

  • Unique IWMBA benefits such as CHOICE membership and local discounts to local businesses.
  • Access to discounts we receive as an affiliated club of AMBA from both local and national businesses. including nappy & equipment discounts - click here for more information