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Inner West Multiple Birth Association

IWMBA Cadbury Fundraising Drive

Sat, 22 Jul 2023
08:30 - 16:00

We are kicking off a fundraising drive to raise money for our 2023 Family Fun Christmas Party. 

The good news is that this fundraiser is super simple… and delicious!

We are selling Cadbury Chocolate Fun Packs. (It has Freddos and Caramello Koalas in it – YUM!)

Every Fun Pack box has 30 Freddo Frogs and 30 Caramello Koalas in them, which are sold for $1.00 each.  Every Fun Pack box that is sold will raise $20.00. 

We are asking IWMBA members to sell at least one box each. You can do this by taking it to work, or a family get together or any place where people are gathered and might enjoy a sweet pic-me-up. Feel free to grab another box if you’ve got lots of hungry buyers lined up!

IWMBA will purchase the boxes from Cadbury and have them delivered a committee members house (Alex based in Croydon Park). Members who are willing to help fundraise will be asked to complete the upfront payment and then pick up the box(es).  

Each box will be $60.00, and you are welcome to continue to sell through the Freddos/Caremellos until they have been enjoyed. IWMBA will not be taking back any product once collected. After you have sold the box, you do not need to return any funds to us as we have collected the upfront $60. You will have collected the $60 back.

The Fun Pack boxes will be available for pick up on: 

  • Sat 29th July between 8.30-10.30am and 3-6pm
  • Sun 30th July 10-3pm
  • Mon 31st July 8.30-4pm

From 45a Windsor Avenue Croydon Park, (entry on Lyminge Rd).

Some Tips for selling your treats:

• Each item sells for $1.00.

• Sell to family members, colleagues, friends, or neighbours.

• We don’t recommend that children sell the products – if they are involved, please ensure an adult is always with them.

We’re confident that this fundraising drive will help us reach our goal of raising $500.00 for the 2023 IWMBA Christmas Party which will make it even more of a wonderful celebration and bring together our Inner West Multiple Families for loads of Christmas fun.

Thanks for your support, we couldn’t do it without you!


Ticket Type Price
Cadbury Fun Pack Box $60.00 Sale Ended
45A Windsor Ave
45A Windsor Ave, Croydon Park NSW 2133, Australia

Sydney , New South Wales, 2001, Australia

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